Year 2024 - «Fount of Wisdom
Magtymguly Fragi

05 May 2020


Speech of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the high-level meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement

Dear participants of the Summit!

First of all, let me express gratitude to His Excellency President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Heydar oglu Aliyev for the initiative to call the current high-level meeting dedicated to the acute problem with which the humankind has faced today.

I am confident that the Non-Aligned Movement consisting of 120 member-states united by a common responsibility cannot stay aside from its resolution.     

In this context, today’s online meeting is significant and timely, and presents an opportunity to exchange views and appraisals of the difficult situation, determining the ways for overcoming it.  

That’s why I would like to touch upon a number of aspects of the given problem.

First.  It is obvious that combatting the pandemic requires joint, collective and solidary actions on the part of the whole international community.  I would like to reiterate – precisely solidary actions.    

Certainly, each country pursues its own way of resisting the dangerous infection at the national level depending on the situation.

At the same, I am confident that alone it is possible to resolve perhaps only short-term problems, and attain success only locally.  But the pandemic is a global challenge and that’s why requires a global response, and a long-term strategy of universal character and scope. 

In this regard, I propose to develop and adopt in the framework of the Non-Aligned Movement, a programmed document containing the main principles of unanimous actions of the member-states in the fight against the pandemic, as well as a complex of measures aimed at its prevention and elimination.  

Second.  The most crucial element of the multilateral efforts today is mutual aid and assistance of the states – organizational, moral, financial, material.  When providing such help, it is unacceptable in any case to politicize it, discriminate or set forth any counter conditions.  

Third.  In the fight with the pandemic and its consequences, special meaning gains close collaboration among the professionals.  It is necessary to fully engage the mechanisms of scientific diplomacy.  It means constant exchange of experience, knowledge and information on treatment methods and disease prevention, medicines and tools, personal protection equipment.     

In this context, I consider that it would be useful to establish a Council of Medical Scientists of the Non-Aligned states. 

Fourth.  Our joint work should be carried out in presence of coordinative role of the United Nations and in close cooperation with the World Health Organization which has accumulated unique experience in combatting viral diseases.  

Taking this opportunity, I would like to express full support on the part of Turkmenistan to the activities of WHO, sincerely thank its management and staff members for devotion and professional work.  Our country will continue active cooperation with this important international structure and is ready to provide every kind of support. 

I think that the necessity has arisen in the present situation to establish effective channels of partnership between the Non-Aligned Movement and the WHO, primarily through the medial communities of our countries.  

I propose to designate the Non-Aligned Movement member-states’ Governments to work together on the structures and methods of such joint actions.

I would also like to underline the necessity of closer efficient collaboration with the United Nations and its specialized structures. 

Dear participants of the Summit!

In addition to the pressing measures and tasks of today, we are obliged to think about the future.

Obviously, the Agenda of the upcoming session of the UN General Assembly will be substantially revised taking into account the pandemic and will be, to a large extent, oriented at the post crisis period, during which the while world community will be faced with difficult work on the restoration of the economy, social sphere, resolution of humanitarian matters.  Having equal priority and interconnectivity.     

That’s why already today, it is necessary to create the platforms for bringing out the economy to the trajectory of sustainable growth.  We think that the key vectors here would be the energy, industry, transport and trade.  

It is clear that the world energy market has never before faced such challenges as the current ones.  Under such conditions, the restoration and arrangement of energy supplies to the world markets on the basis of fair and transparent principles, equality, recognition and taking into account the interest of states becomes very vital.  The most important aspect in attaining the given goal is the diversification of energy flows.   

The same can be said about the transport.  We must quickly and to the fullest extent restore the transport communication between the countries and regions, transit routes, and search for new directions.   

This work will logically bring to the establishment of new infrastructure, logistics on wide spaces.   And in the end, to the resolution of many social problems, overcoming unemployment and creation of new working places.

Our states are called upon to carry out an important role, thus contributing to the positive development of geo-economic processes in the world.  The successful and efficient adaptation of the global economy to the new realities to a great extent depends on the coherence and unanimity of our actions.   

We must also unite our efforts in resolving the large-scale humanitarian issues derived from the consequences of the pandemic.  The assistance to the migrants, refugees, vulnerable layers of population, particularly in the developing countries must stay among the priorities of the Non-Aligned Movement Agenda.   

The coherent work of the Non-Aligned Movement states in the provision of food security is of high importance.   The unity, determination and the firmness of standpoints of the non-aligned countries are necessary in approaching the issues of providing the states and regions with access to the food resources, provision of the guarantees to the adequate nourishment as an integral right of any human being.    

Nevertheless, certainly the main decisive condition for the attainment of all the stated goals and full settlement of the current crisis lies in the provision of firm peace and security.  It is impossible to speak about the successful fight with the pandemic, overcoming its consequences amid the wars and conflicts.    

That’s why we, the Non-Aligned Movement states must firmly declare our strong adherence to the peaceful resolution of all the international disputes and discrepancies.

As is known, in September of last year, the UN General Assembly has unanimously adopted a Resolution upon the initiative of Turkmenistan on declaring the year 2021 as the International Year of Peace and Trust. I call upon the Non-Aligned Movement states to actively assist the attainment of the goals prescribes in the text of the Resolution and thus contribute to the peaceful and constructive development of processes on the Planet. 

I am confident that the Non-Aligned Movement potential, the high humanistic ideals on which it has been established, are demanded today, in this difficult for the whole humankind period, as never before. 

I believe that together we can overcome the crisis with dignity and continue further our constructive work. 

Summing up, I would like to express support to the proposed draft of the Declaration. 

I wish to all the Summit participants strong health and success, and to the people of our countries – peace and wellbeing.


4th of May 2020

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