Year 2025 - «International Year
of Peace and Trust

15 January 2025


CONCEPT of the Activities and priorities of Turkmenistan within the framework of the International Year of Peace and Trust

The trends and events of the last few years indicate serious changes in international and interstate relations, the intensification of global and regional contradictions, and the emergence of conflicts in various parts of the world.

The cause-and-effect relationships of these phenomena are diverse, but it is obvious that the defining characteristic of the current state of world politics is a lack of trust and significant differences in views and perceptions regarding the validity of one model of world order or another.

All this represents a very complex situation, capable of moving the entire international agenda back into the past, to an era of bloc and civilizational confrontation, significantly complicating multilateral cooperation in addressing new challenges and threats, achieving sustainable development goals, ensuring equitable distribution of resources, guaranteeing food security, overcoming poverty and inequality, responding to climate change and tackling a wide range of other pressing issues of global significance.

In the current circumstances, as a responsible state, Turkmenistan advocates for taking measures to consolidate international efforts to overcome the current crisis on a constructive platform and to form the corresponding political and diplomatic prerequisites and opportunities for this purpose.

Based on this, during the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, our country initiated the General Assembly resolution “International Year of Peace and Trust, 2025”, which was adopted unanimously with the co- sponsorship of 86 states.

It reflects the fundamental purposes and principles of the UN Charter, in particular the commitments to settle disputes by peaceful means and methods.

The resolution “International Year of Peace and Trust, 2025” represents the practical embodiment of the philosophy of new international relations “Dialogue is a guarantee of peace”, announced by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Thus, the adoption of this document marks a significant initial step toward utilizing the potential of the United Nations to provide a balanced assessment of current events and trends, overcome mistrust, and reduce confrontational tensions in global politics.

Turkmenistan considers the decision to declare 2025 as the International Year of Peace and Trust as a global-scale event and a genuine opportunity for a qualitative transition to a new stage in international relations. Essentially, Turkmenistan's initiative is an invitation and call to all states to embark on joint efforts encompassing the political, ideological, and practical aspects of implementing the idea of peace and trust as a fundamental principle of the world order.

It is evident that this task should be solved on a systemic basis, with supporting legal and institutional mechanisms. Acting in this logic, in 2023, the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov put forward an initiative to develop a Global Security Strategy from the rostrum of the UN General Assembly. We see it as a system of views and principles for the organization of interstate and international relations in the 21st century.

The strategy entails a comprehensive approach to addressing global challenges, based on the interconnection of all aspects of security – military-political, economic, energy, environmental, biological, man-made, informational.

Based on this, the Global Security Strategy is intended to serve as an updated international legal framework for inter-state relations, reflecting the existing objective realities and needs of global development. Therefore, in conceptual terms, Turkmenistan considers the idea of developing the Strategy to be a logical and organic link in the affirmation of the principles of peace and trust.

It is proposed to include a number of areas of UN activity, in particular:

- preventive diplomacy as a tool for preventing and neutralizing conflicts (based on UN General Assembly resolutions 72/7, 75/272, 77/273 “Role of the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia” of 17 November 2017, 16 April 2021 and 24 February 2023, respectively);

- Utilization of the potential of neutrality for the peaceful, political and diplomatic settlement of disputes and contradictions (based on UN General Assembly resolutions 75/28 “The role and importance of a policy of neutrality in maintaining and strengthening international peace, security and sustainable development”
of 7 December 2020); And 71/275 “International Day of Neutrality” of 2 February 2017);

- restoration of a culture of trusting dialogue (based on UN General Assembly resolutions 73/338 “International Year of Peace and Trust, 2021” of 12 September 2019; 77/32 “International Year of Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace, 2023” of 6 December 2022; 78/266 “International Year of Peace and Trust, 2025” of 21 March 2024);

Thus, in proposing the idea of developing a new mechanism aimed at ensuring global security, Turkmenistan strictly relies on the solid international legal framework of the UN, reflecting the views of the world community on current challenges and ways to overcome them.

The year 2025 is set to highlight a significantly more prominent and effective role for developing countries in world affairs. Genuine trust can only be built on the basis of an equal and balanced dialogue that recognizes the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, respects their political sovereignty, concerns about the fair distribution of energy resources, access to technology, non-discriminatory approaches to the problem of atmospheric emissions and environmental preservation. It is obvious that sustainable security and stability on a global scale can only be ensured by adhering to these conditions.

In the International Year of Peace and Trust, Turkmenistan proposes to place special emphasis on regional security issues.

In this context, our country proceeds from the need for the most attentive attitude to the problems of Central Asia and neighboring regions, encompassing the full range of problems existing here – political, social, humanitarian, environmental, energy, water management issues and others. This approach is grounded in the following resolutions of the UN General Assembly adopted at the initiative of Turkmenistan: “Zone of Peace, Trust and Cooperation in Central Asia”, “Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia”, “Cooperation between the United Nations and the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea”.

Turkmenistan advocates for a clearly defined regional dimension in the UN’s activities – both in terms of substance and structure. We believe that such an approach is essential to making joint efforts more specific, functional, and effective. There is a firm conviction that the time has come to launch an inclusive, full-scale, multi-level and systemic dialogue between Central Asia and the UN. This direction will become one of the priorities of Turkmenistan's activities during the International Year of Peace and Trust.

The International Year of Peace and Trust logically coincides with the 30th anniversary of the universal recognition of the permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan, in accordance with the UN General Assembly resolution 50/80 “Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan”, unanimously adopted on 12 December 1995. The neutral status of our country was reaffirmed by General Assembly resolution 69/285 of 3 June 2015.

Over the years, the evolution of our neutrality has proven its compliance with the basic values and goals of the UN, and has been recognized as a common asset of the world community. This was further affirmed by the proclamation of December 12 as the International Day of Neutrality by the General Assembly, at the initiative of Turkmenistan.

Based on this, neutrality, its principles and practical tools should be used much more widely by the international community. The potential of neutrality is enormous, it is not only a national model of foreign policy for a number of states that have brought them peace, good neighborliness, and prosperity, but also an effective platform for resolving emerging contradictions by peaceful means, at the negotiating table.

In this logic, Turkmenistan has come up with an initiative to grant neutral countries the status of priority partners of the UN in the peacekeeping efforts of the Organization. We are confident that this will serve as an effective and inspiring stimulus for the global community to more actively and purposefully utilize the potential of neutrality and preventive diplomacy.

Turkmenistan counts on the support of neutral, non-aligned and non-bloc countries, as well as all states that share the principles of non-interference and non-participation in conflicts, in the matter of uniting their capabilities, experience and authority to create conditions for the transition to peaceful, political and diplomatic methods of resolving existing and potential conflicts. In this sense, the International Year of Peace and Trust provides an opportunity for the transition neutrality into a practical framework as a platform for the consolidation of all adequate and responsible forces, states or groups of countries that in principle reject a confrontational approach.

Noting the role of the Community of Nations, Turkmenistan hopes that during the upcoming International Year of Peace and Trust, which coincides with the 80th anniversary of the founding of the UN, all Member States will reaffirm their commitment to the UN Charter and its mandate as the only international organization with universal legitimacy.

Right now, in the challenging conditions of international escalation, a strong and effective UN is in demand as never before in its history. Its leading mission should not be questioned, but rather strengthened and supported. Today, not a single truly serious global problem can be solved alone. This is already a proven fact. And therefore, only the UN with its unique experience is capable of playing a central, pivotal role in ensuring universal peace, stability and security. Turkmenistan will make every effort to achieve this.

In the International Year of Peace and Trust, Turkmenistan proposes to intensify a comprehensive strategy of cooperation for promoting the Sustainable Development Goals.

Achieving these goals is possible only by ensuring conditions for the full-scale participation of all states in the main processes of the modern world order, as wells as by shaping new approaches to the economy of the future - without dividing lines, bias, politicization and discrimination.

Turkmenistan's steps are also aimed at joint work in the area of Sustainable Development Goals, to create viable and long-term models of geoeconomics. A decisive role in this is assigned to the implementation of two strategic priorities: energy transformation and transport connectivity.

It is essential to seek understanding and support for the recent proposals put forward by Turkmenistan to create an Alliance for Global Energy Security and Sustainable Development and a Global Atlas of Sustainable Transport Connectivity.

Turkmenistan has taken a strategic course towards energy transformation through the transition to low-carbon energy. It is believed that this process also requires approaches that would guarantee equal and mutually favorable conditions for states aspiring to pursue this path, would create prerequisites for their access to energy-efficient technologies, and allow them to use their climatic and geographical advantages for the maximum use of renewable energy sources.

This approach entails the unconditional priority of environmental criteria in the economy, trade, transport, industry, extraction and processing of raw materials, a number of other areas, as well as raising public environmental awareness, education and enlightenment.

Today, a combination and harmonious compatibility of traditional energy sources with new ones based on the “green” agenda is required. In the International Year of Peace and Trust, Turkmenistan will pay special attention to “green diplomacy”, promoting on the global stage forms of interaction based on shared responsibility, overcoming corporate and group interests, and serving for the common good and the future.

Turkmenistan will advocate for the same principles in addressing global food security, accessible healthcare, prevention of infectious diseases, and overcoming the consequences of global epidemics.

In this regard, Turkmenistan considers it expedient to strengthen and support the role of the World Health Organization. It is deemed necessary, with the assistance and coordination of WHO, to establish a more effective and equitable logistics system for the timely and uninterrupted delivery of medicines and medical equipment to the most vulnerable states in this regard.

Turkmenistan views the upcoming Year of Peace and Trust, 2025, as the crucial period in the humanization of international relations.

The directions of our activities in multilateral structures will be focused on the following objectives:

- ensuring the rights of refugees and stateless persons;

- supporting motherhood and childhood;

- creating conditions for the comprehensive development of youth, enabling them to realize their potential in science, creativity, and sports.

Turkmenistan's approach to these issues is based on actively utilizing and enhancing the efficiency of interaction channels with humanitarian-focused structures, such as UNESCO, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and other organizations.

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship plays a major role in solving humanitarian issues. Leveraging the capabilities of the Foundation, large-scale humanitarian support to people in need in various countries will be continued during the International Year of Peace and Trust.

Constructive and mutually respectful cooperation with UN human rights structures and bodies remains highly relevant in improving democratic institutions, procedures for ensuring the rights, freedoms, and legitimate interests of citizens, and fostering international partnerships on these matters.

We are convinced that the humanitarian agenda is called upon to become an important and integral part of inter-civilizational communication, building bridges of mutual understanding, respect and sympathy between peoples, overcoming prejudices, stereotypes and complexes. Parliamentary and “people's” diplomacy, cultural exchanges, as well as women's, youth, and sports interactions are destined to play a significant role in this process.

The International Year of Peace and Trust, 2025 is considered by Turkmenistan in the context of the practical implementation of the “Pact for the Future”, adopted in September 2024 at the “Summit of the Future” convened at the initiative of the UN Secretary-General. Turkmenistan will make effort to achieve all the goals stated in the outcome document.

The approaches and views outlined are a common political platform for the implementation of the following specific measures and events proposed by Turkmenistan in the International Year of Peace and Trust:


1. International forums and conferences:

  • Official opening of the International Year of Peace and Trust in January 2025;

  • Thematic conferences and dialogues, including within the framework of the UN Security Council and General Assembly, the Non-Aligned Movement, the UN Peacebuilding Commission and other international platforms;

  • Forum for Inter-Parliamentary Dialogue;
  • Regional meetings on strengthening peace, trust and security;
  • Regular meetings of the Group of Friends of Neutrality for Peace, Security and Sustainable Development;
  • International events on the role of women and youth in advancing the peace and security agenda;
  • Conference on Neutrality at the UN Headquarters.


2. Information and educational activities:

  • Development and publication of information materials on the principles of neutrality, their role in preventing conflicts and achieving sustainable development;
  • Organization of educational events, including lectures, trainings and interactive seminars;
  • Using social media and digital diplomacy tools to promote ideals of peace and trust, with a focus on global youth engagement.


3. International cultural and Public events:

  • Festival “Music of Peace”;
  • International youth competition “Peace and Trust”;
  • International sports events;
  • United Nations Games;
  • Scientific competitions and conferences for students;
  • Open lessons in schools about peace and trust.


4. Activities at the UN and other international organizations:

  • Thematic meeting of the Group of Friends of Neutrality;
  • UN General Assembly meeting on the Zone of Peace;
  • Regional meeting on financing for development.


5. Webinars and video conferences:

  • Webinars with partners on neutrality;
  • Videoconferences between universities on international relations.


6. Regional and specialized events:

  • Meetings on Caspian issues;
  • Multilateral dialogues on cooperation in Central Asia;
  • Workshops in the frameworks of the specialized international organizations.


The culminating event will be a major international forum in December 2025, dedicated to the International Year of Peace and Trust, the International Day of Neutrality and the 30th anniversary of the Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan.

To achieve the goals of this Concept and carry out relevant activities, Turkmenistan is ready to provide its political space and all available infrastructure.

All interested States and international organizations, structures and institutions are respectfully invited to cooperate and engage in constructive joint efforts.

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© 2025 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan