Year 2025 - «International Year
of Peace and Trust

25 September 2015


Speech the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the 70th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (New York, 25.09.2015)

Dear Chairman!

Dear Secretary General!

Dear Heads and members of delegations!

The current Summit on a Sustainable Development takes place in the year of the 70th anniversary of foundation of the United Nations; it is of special importance.

Fifteen years have passed since that moment when leaders of states of the world, having for the first time defined the international agenda in the field of development, created the international mechanism of interaction aimed at the solution of a number of actual issues of the present.

1. Today, we can say with confidence that achievements in realization of the Purposes of development formulated in the Millennium Declaration will be a strong basis for our joint activity for the following 15 years. Along with it, we are to complete everything that remained incomplete.

In this regard, the world community needs the global strategy of cooperation based on modern realities and focused on a long-term period. Such strategy is the Agenda in the field of development for the period after 2015, submitted for the adoption by the current Summit.

Turkmenistan completely supports this document and its adoption.

2. On our deep belief, the new agenda formulated in 17 global purposes and 169 tasks reflects the main approaches to the solution of issues in the field of development, which the humankind faces today. Its main characteristic is the determination of the international community to achieve a sustainable development in three of its components – economic, social and ecological in a balanced and complex way.

I am sure that accurate and harmonious work of the international community in realization of an economic component of a sustainable development, considering above-mentioned factors will in many respects promote solving of such purposes, as ensuring general access to inexpensive, reliable and modern power supply, assistance to sustained economic growth and full employment, creation of flexible infrastructure, support of steady industrialization and encouragement of innovations.

All this finally will allow providing steady models of production and consumption, reducing an inequality in countries and between them. Certainly, achievement of the specified purposes is connected with further improvement of mechanisms of partner interaction.

3. In this regard, I think it expedient to consider the issue on creation of the new global mechanism of coordination of fulfilling of the Purposes of a sustainable development at one of the nearest meetings of ECOSOC of the UN. Turkmenistan will be ready to present the relevant specific proposals.

4. I also believe it correct to activate the work of the regional commissions of the UN in this area in the context of realization of Sustainable Development Goals.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

One of the main characteristics of the Agenda for the period after 2015 is its strong social orientation. Therefore, not incidentally social issues take the first place of Sustainable Development Goals.

Their practical implementation is connected with increase of efficiency of address and subject work of member states of the UN, and the international structures, which are directly responsible for realization of global tasks.

5. Thus, in the course of achieving objectives of poverty eradication and fight against starvation in the world, ensuring food security and improvement of food, it will be necessary to harmonize joint actions of the countries with activity of such institutes, as the UNDP, the UNFAO, the World Food Programme (WFP).

6. In this regard, we suggest considering the possibility of calling of the Food Forum of high level within the 70th session of the General Assembly. We express readiness for constructive work in this area with all interested parties.

7. The issue of healthy lifestyle occupies the major place among social tasks. In this regard, expansion of close partner connections of member states of the UN with World Health Organization, other international organizations will become the guarantee of achievement of good results in realization of the purposes of sustainable development.

Their practical implementation is connected with increase of efficiency of address and subject work of member states of the UN, and the international structures, which are directly responsible for realization of global tasks.

8. Among priorities of the new international agenda, there are issues of providing all-embracing, fair and quality education. On our deep belief, the United Nations is to stimulate actively the process of fulfilling of this purpose by means of setting of extensive international dialogue, introduction of new country, regional and global programmes in the field of education.

Turkmenistan in cooperation with profile structures of the UN is ready for the most active and constructive cooperation in the field of education. We consider UNDP, UNESCO, and UNICEF as the main partners.

9. The core element of global strategy of development is gender equality. We set high aim to achieve full gender equality and to expand the rights and possibilities of all women and girls. Fulfillment of this task is our general duty and joint responsibility.

In this regard, we welcome an initiative of the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to hold the meeting of World leaders on gender equality on September 27 the current year in New York.

Dear Heads and members of delegations!

10. Adopting the purposes of sustainable development as the programme of our joint actions for the next 15 years, we realize that social and economic development of states and peoples of the planet is impossible without solution of issues of climate change and ecology. In this context, we welcome the efforts of the United Nations, its Secretary General aimed at search of efficient measures in decrease of global environmental risks. Summits and international conferences of the UN, which took place in recent years made the significant contribution to the solution of issues of environmental protection in the world.

11. In the first decade of December of the current year in Paris, at the Conference of the sides of the Framework Convention on Climate Change all of us together should make important decisions having determining value for the whole world.

Turkmenistan supports signing of the International Agreement on issues of climate; it will promote active advancing of this idea during the period, which remained before the Conference.

At this, I would like to remind that at various conferences our country officially declared the concept in the field of strengthening of international ecological cooperation and made a number of specific proposals.

12. Among them, there is the initiative on creation of the climate change Regional center for the countries of Central Asia, in interaction with the UN. Turkmenistan, remaining committed to this idea, is ready in 2016 together with UNDP to take steps on creation of such Center in Ashgabat.

Dear Chairman!

Dear Heads and members of delegations!

13. The year of 2015 is special in the life of Turkmenistan and its people. This year there will be the 20th anniversary of adoption of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution on the international recognition of the status of a Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan.

The passed period with all evidence showed the efficiency of the neutral foreign policy pursued by our country, its compliance to longterm interests of the international community. It was also confirmed by the adoption of the new Resolution of the General Assembly on a Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan on June 3, 2015.

Taking the opportunity, on behalf of Turkmenistan I want to express profound gratitude to all member states of the UN for firm and invariable support of the neutral status of our country.

14. On December 12, 2015 in the capital of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, the International Forum devoted to issues of neutrality, peace and development will take place. Allow me to renew from this high tribune the invitation to Heads of state and government of member countries of the UN to visit our country during this period and to take part in celebrations of a Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan.

15. In conclusion, I would like to highlight that Turkmenistan will develop further close international cooperation for asserting of high ideals of peace and justice, realization of the purposes and tasks of the United Nations.

Thank you for your attention.

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