2025-nji ýyl - «Halkara parahatçylyk
we ynanyşmak ýyly

20 maý 2023


Meeting of Turkmen delegation with Under-secretary-general of the United Nations and Executive secretary of ESCAP

On 19 May 2023, during the 79th session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, a delegation led by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan met with Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of ESCAP Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, in Bangkok.

During the meeting, the delegation of Turkmenistan noted the active interaction of ESCAP with the Turkmen side and thanked the leadership and the secretariat for providing comprehensive support for the adoption of a resolution of Turkmenistan on the Aral Sea during the 79th session of ESCAP.

A common opinion was expressed during the meeting on the need to further intensify cooperation between Turkmenistan and ESCAP and to continue the momentum of Turkmenistan's active participation in thematic seminars and conferences organized by ESCAP.

Meanwhile, the Executive Secretary, expressing her appreciation for the Turkmenistan delegation's participation in the 79th session of the Commission, suggested to work together in the future on the elaboration of a resolution on water issues in the region and declared ESCAP's readiness to actively cooperate with Turkmenistan in this area.

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