2024-nji ýyl - «Pähim-paýhas ummany
Magtymguly Pyragy

11 noýabr 2022


Sports Events dedicated to International Day of Neutrality, the 15th anniversary of the Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (December 9, 2022)

Preliminary Program
of Sports Events Dedicated to

International Day of Neutrality, the 15th anniversary of the Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia

(December 9, 2022)


Sports: futsal, volleyball, tennis, chess.

Venue: Ashgabat Olympic Village.

Dress code: sports.

Contact Info: sport.mfa.tkm@gmail.com, +99365 445737

Registration link: shorturl.at/jVYZ8 (application deadline is November 25)

18 November, Friday

Online briefing for participants.

Connection link: http:// shorturl.at/fiCHQ

Access code: 0000

9 December, Friday

9:00 – Arrival and registration of participants;

Note:   The venue of the competitions for each sport is indicated on the attached map.

09:30               – Drawing procedures;

10:00 - 13:00   – First round of competitions;

13:00 - 14:00   –   Coffee break;

14:30 - 17:30   –   Second round of competitions;

18:00 - 18:30   –   Award ceremony.

Telefon: +993 (12) 44-56-92
Faks: +993 (12) 44-58-12
Kabulhana: +993 (12) 44-56-87
Metbugat gullugy: +993 (12) 44-56-04
E-mail: ddd@mfa.gov.tm
744000, Aşgabat, Arçabil köç., 108
Aşgabat, Türkmenistan
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